Berthoud Town Board 6/11/24

By Nanci Wendland

For more information (including members in attendance) see the full notes document here.*

View the meeting agenda and packet.

A video recording of the meeting is available here.

From the Town website – “The Town of Berthoud is governed by a seven-member Board. The Mayor and Trustees are the policy makers elected to represent the community and to concentrate on policy issues that are responsive to the needs and wishes of the community. The Town of Berthoud is committed to transparent, collegial, ethical local government, and has adopted the "Town of Berthoud Code of Conduct for Elected Officials, Boards and Commissions" to provide guidance assisting Public Servants in the performance of their duties in a manner which serves the public interest and honors public trust.”

Public Comments

Several residents expressed concern about a park renovation that they say blocks access to their home garages. The parks and recreation department is landscaping the parking area north of the park. The residents live across the street from the park, and their garages are set on an alleyway facing the park. 

The consent agenda was unanimously approved

  1. June 11, 2024, meeting agenda
  2. May 28, 2024, meeting minutes
  3. More Housing Now DOLA Grant RFP Bid Award - $100,460
    1. “This project work will utilize expertise of housing partners such as Habitat for Humanity and the Loveland Housing Authority, and the Planning Commission will act as a steering committee along with the housing partners. The deliverables include an analysis and findings of the regional housing needs and how Berthoud can be a part of the housing solution. The deliverable will also include an analysis of the Development Code to ensure the Code is supportive of all types of housing.” (page 10 of the packet)
  4. April 2024 financial report (packet)

Resolution 2024-08: “A resolution of the town of Berthoud Board of Trustees approving a Neighborhood Master Plan for a development known as the Weibel Industrial Park Development.” The master plan was unanimously approved. 

Ordinance 1340: “An ordinance amending the zoning map of the Town of Berthoud to rezone the Weibel Industrial Park property previously zoned T-Transitional and M2 – Industrial to M1 – Light Industrial District.” 

Senior Planner Hillenbrand explained the Weibel Neighborhood Plan meets the criteria consistent with the Berthoud Comprehensive Plan. The 19.29 acres would include light industries such as office space, flex space, and research and development offices. He said the previous zoning was created while waiting for the land to be developed with an approved plan.  

The zoning change was unanimously approved.

Resolution 2024-09: “A resolution of the Town of Berthoud Board of Trustees approving a Neighborhood Master Plan for a development known as the Revere Development in the Town of Berthoud.”

Ordinance 1341: “An ordinance amending the zoning map of the Town of Berthoud to rezone the Revere Property previously zoned a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Suburban Commercial and Suburban Residential Districts.” 

Senior Planner Hillenbrand said the original plans in 2006 for this property were for a mixed-use PUD with homes and restaurants as the main build. Those final plans were approved and filed with the town. In early 2010, a neighborhood Master Plan was created, and the PUD was phased out. Later in 2010, a final plan for commercial only use was approved but the final plans were never filed with the town. There is no record of the commercial final plan even though meeting records show approval.

The request today, Hillenbrand said, is to clarify what the use of this land should be: mixed-use with homes and commercial (approved 2006), or commercial use only (approved 2010). The public was given a chance to comment on this proposed development. Also of note is that in 2021 Berthoud’s Planning Commission updated the town’s master plan, renaming it the town’s Comprehensive Plan, providing a future framework for land use and zoning. 

Public Comments

  1. Several residents oppose this development because they think having small residential lots would make it a very dense neighborhood bringing more traffic. Current lots in the area are 1-2 acres. Revere lots would be .33 acres. 
  2. One resident said the board should stay with the 2010 approved commercial lots. He said this property is the last chance for any commercial revenue when leaving the northwest corridor of Berthoud. 
  3. One resident said this property has been vacant for 20 years. Why rush this through? He said, “Growth is inevitable but let’s make sure it’s the right development on this property.”
  4. Other residents are concerned with increased traffic and not enough community services to support additional residents, especially children. One resident wants infrastructure improvements taken care of first for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists who currently use that area for recreation and mobility.
  5. A previous Trustee, on the board from 2002-2010, said this piece of land was annexed for the sole purpose of future commercial development. He said this is prime commercial property and agreed with others that this is a good sales tax revenue source for Berthoud.
  6. Many other residents tonight also opposed a mixed-use development. They want to see commercial use so the town can use the revenue on other citizen amenities.  

Town Attorney Smith said the Comprehensive Plan does not set land use codes and/or lot uses. It’s a design plan for the future of Berthoud. According to Smith, the Revere development plan is consistent with the land use code and Comprehensive Plan, and the board is responsible for making the final determination. She said, “You (the board) have an application. It’s time to move to approve or deny the application.”

The board of trustees and the mayor acknowledged they heard all the public’s comments and would take them into consideration while deliberating. The board also thanked the residents for being so passionate and remaining professional while discussing their objections. 

A motion was made to deny Resolution 2024-09 and Ordinance 1341. The motion passed in a vote of 6 to 1 with Trustee Wing voting no. 

The meeting was adjourned at 11:39 p.m. 

Next meeting is June 25, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom, or in-person at 807 Mountain Ave., Town Board Room, Berthoud, CO 


What is the next step for the owners/applicants of the Revere development? 

Will neighbors next to the park have recourse for their inconvenience in the park renovation?

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended. 

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