Directory: Meetings across Larimer County related to Equity of People, Housing and Work.

A resource created for the League of Women Voters by Citizen Observers Project

The League of Women Voters of Larimer County, through its Citizen Observer project, offers this resource to help the public know of the many meetings where the topic is equity of people, housing, and work. This data was gathered from multiple websites, and the description of each is verbatim from those sites. We offer that convenient access to the meetings and schedules may spur opportunities for public participation. If you are interested in offering reports as a citizen observer for environmental issues, please notify us at

Larimer County Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board

The role of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Advisory Board is to advise the Board of County Commissioners to ensure that equity, diversity, and inclusion are central to the ways the County structures services.

Meeting Frequency/Time: fourth Wednesday of the month at 6pm, alternating between Fort Collins and Loveland

Meeting Location:
Lake Loveland Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, 200 West Oak Street, Fort Collins.
Big Thompson Meeting Room, 1st Floor, 200 Peridot Avenue, Loveland.

Members (as of 2/17/24): Lynn Adame (Chair), Fred Garcia, Hillel Katzir, Karina Ledezma, Laura MacWaters (Vice Chair), Jaxen Maynor, Luis Montalvo, Savanah Overturf, Vishvesh Singh, Daysi Sweaney

Commissioner Liaison: Jody Shadduck-McNally, John Kefalas, Kristin Stephens, Staff Liaison: Laurie Kadrich -

Larimer County Office on Aging Advisory Council

The Office on Aging Advisory Council advises the Board of County Commissioners and the Office on Aging on all matters of planning for older adults. The primary purpose of the Council is to carry out the objectives and intent of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended.

Meeting Frequency/Time: 2nd Thursday of the month from 1:30-3:30pm

Meeting Location: Locations of meeting vary each month.

Members (as of 2/17/24): Stacy Bernard, Jill Couch, Joe Glomboski, Lee Green, Lisa Hays, Moyne Johnson, Kendra Lechtenberg, Margaret Anne Long, Colleen Meyer (Vice Chair), Jacque Penfold (Chair), Annie Scott, Janet Seeley, Debbie Tellez, Sharon Thomas, Michelle Waite, Lorrie Wellman, Kim Wermers

Commissioner Liaison: Jody Shadduck-McNally, Staff Liaison: Erin Alt - (970) 498-7751 -, Administrative Contact: Nicole Limoges - (970) 498-7759 -

Larimer County Workforce Development Board

The Workforce Development Board provides employer-led, strategic leadership to assist Femployers in finding talent for existing and emerging industries by convening necessary partners and to assist community members in reaching their full potential.

Meeting Frequency/Time: 2nd Wednesday of the month from 7:45-9:30 a.m.

Meeting Location: Larimer County Administrative Services Building, Hearing Room, (1st floor), 200 West Oak St, Fort Collins.

Members (as of 2/17/24): Mark Christensen, Julie Cila (Chair), Jonathan Comyn, Bella De La Torre, Colleen DePasquale, Jessica Dyrdahl, Jillian Fresa, Greg Grote, Hope Hartman, Janel Highfill, Erin Hottenstein, Ann Hutchison, Lucinda Kerschensteiner, Eric Lea, Heather Lelchook, Richard Martinez, Joe Martinez, Tracy Mead, Jennifer Miller, Anne Million, Ridge Overholt, Dawn Paepke, Lauren Pellow, Nicholas Peterson, David Roecker, Jackie Sindelar

Commissioner Liaison: John Kefalas, Staff Liaison: Mark Johnston -, Administrative Contact: Amanda Aquino -

Fort Collins Affordable Housing Board

The Affordable Housing Board advises the City Council on matters pertaining to affordable housing issues of concern to the City. The City has established several programs designed to stimulate the construction of additional affordable housing units and retention of existing housing units in the community. These programs include development review priority processing, impact fee collection delay, and sales tax rebates.

Meeting Frequency/Time: 1st Thursday of each month 4 p.m

Meeting Location: 222 Laporte Avenue, Colorado River Room (Unless otherwise stated in the Agenda)

Members (as of 2/17/24): Ed Hermsen, Jennifer Bray, John Singleton (Chair), Bob Pawlikowski (Vice Chair), Stefanie Berganini

Council Liaison(s): Melanie Potyondy, Staff Liaison(s): Susan Beck-Ferkiss

Fort Colins Disability Advisory Board

The Disability Advisory Board serves as an advisor to the City of Fort Collins City Council on issues relating to citizens with disabilities. In its role as an advocate for citizens with disabilities.

Meeting Frequency/Time: 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting Location: Remote via Zoom

Members (as of 2/17/24): Evan Shockley, Jaclyn Menendez, Sheila Hammons, Joseph Tiner, Linda Drees, Rachel Knox Stutsman, Terry Schlicting (Chair), Amanda Morgan, Scott Winnegrad

Council Liaison(s): Melanie Potyondy, Staff Liaison(s): Melanie Clark

Fort Collins Human Relations Commission

Promotes the acceptance and respect for diversity through educational programs and activities, and to discourage all forms of discrimination based on race, religion, age, gender, disability, etc.

Meeting Frequency/Time: 2nd Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting Location: 300 LaPorte Avenue, City Hall, Council Information Center (CIC) main level

Members (as of 2/17/24): Benjamin Teramoto, Beth Jaeger (Chair), Coronda Ziegler, Phil Walker, Barb Kistler (Vice Chair), Masood Ahmed, Miho Yoshioka, Teresa Cribelli, Kevin Goff

Council Liaison(s): Emily Francis, Staff Liaison(s): Melanie Clark

Fort Collins Human Services and Housing Funding Board

Advises the City Council on matters pertaining to the City's Competitive Process which includes Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) and HOME Programs and the City's Affordable Housing Fund.

Meeting Frequency/Time: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting Location: 222 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526

Members (as of 2/17/24): Michael Kulisheck, Pat Hastings (Chair), Mike Nielsen, Lori Kempter, Christine Koepnick, Erma Woodfin, Michaela Ruppert, Olga Duval (Vice-Chair)

Council Liaison(s): Julie Pignataro, Staff Liaison(s): Adam Molzer

Fort Collins Women and Gender Equity Advisory Board

The purpose of the Board is enhancing the status of and opportunities for all women, transgender, and gender non-binary and gender non-conforming persons (all genders) in the City.

Meeting Frequency/Time: The Women and Gender Equity Advisory Board (formerly the Women's Advisory Board) is pending and will be effective January 1, 2024. Recruitment for this board will occur December 1, 2023-January 15, 2024.

Fort Collins Youth Advisory Board

Gathers information from local youth, other groups, organizations and agencies regarding youth-oriented issues and makes recommendations to City Council in reference to these issues.

Meeting Frequency/Time: 1st Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting Location: Foothills Activity Center, 241 E. Foothills Parkway

Council Liaison(s): Melanie Potyondy, Staff Liaison(s): LeAnn Williams

Loveland Disabilities Advisory Commission

The purpose of the disabilities advisory commission is be to study barriers to accessibility for people with disabilities within the community and the impacts of those barriers, and to advise the City Council on such and make recommendations for action to improve accessibility in the community

Meeting Frequency/Time: Second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Location: Parks and Recreation Conference Room at the Municipal Building, 500 E. 3rd St.

Members (as of 2/17/24): Vern Richardson, Mari Temmer, Kimberly Aguilar-Pauli, Danny Soldner, Jayne Collins, Jeffrey Pomranka, Anja Wahl Wells, Mary Ann Jakabosky, Jason Smitherman (Risk Manager), Andrea Samson (Ward II), Jacki Marsh (Mayor)

Loveland Senior Advisory Board

The Commission was originally established as the Senior Advisory Board on August 20, 1996 (Ord.#4197), with 11 members. The Senior Advisory Board has had members over the years from various senior advocate agencies. The most recent commission membership was adopted by Council on November 21, 2023 (Ord. #6641).

Meeting Frequency/Time: 2nd Monday of each month at 2:00 p.m.

Meeting Location: City Council Chambers, 500 E. Third Street.

Members (as of 2/17/24): Stephanie Morris, Glenda Seely, Carmen Cisneros, Teresa Boynton, Mari Temmer, Stephen Greer (Chilson Senior Advisory Committee), Victoria Cordova (McKee Medical Center and Banner Medical Center), JoAnn Herkenhoff (UCHealth Aspen Club/Senior Services), Darlene Bassetti (Loveland Housing Authority), Ashlee Taylor (Recreation Manager), Erin Black (Ward III), Jacki Marsh (Alternate)

Loveland Youth Advisory Commission

The Youth Advisory Commission serves as a link between City Council and the youth of Loveland to identify issues pertaining to youth, communicate the concerns of youth to City Council, and suggest possible action to be taken. The Commission takes direct action by working with City Council to suggest action items for the Council agenda, proposing City programs, activities, ordinances, amendments and advocating for youth interests.

Meeting Frequency/Time: First Wednesday each month at 5:00 p.m.

Meeting Location: City Council Chambers, 500 E. 3rd St.

Members (as of 2/17/24): Abigail Reiss. Kennedy Layne, Marin Napolitano, Hannah Cable, Kayla Chapman, Ellie Moran, Madeline Kroiss, Maddie Bellmar, Valentina Hernandez, Elle Shier, Riley Petri, Reese Borchert, Adam Santos, Becca Thorpe, Brandon Finchum, Johanna Tuttle (Teen Division Manager), Laura Light-Kovacs (Ward IV), Erin Black (Ward III)

Windsor Housing Authority

The Windsor Housing Authority (WHA) is a public agency that helps people who meet income and other eligibility guidelines secure affordable, safe and quality housing in the Town of Windsor.

Meeting Frequency/Time: Third Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m.

Meeting Location: Century III Clubhouse, 1027 Walnut Street Windsor, CO 80550

Members (as of 2/17/24): Nate Santillanes, Diana Frick, Frankie Cole, Megan Ferguson, Amy Roe, Wayne Dehn, Vacant Alternate Position

Recording Secretary: Ashley Wade (970) 635-5945, Non-Voting Windsor Town Board Liaison: Jason Hallett (970) 692-7819

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