Johnstown Town Council 6/17/24

by Nanci Wendland

For more information (including members in attendance) see the full notes document here.*

View the meeting agenda and packet.

A video recording of the meeting is available on the Johnstown Government Facebook page.

From the Johnstown website: “Enhance the quality of life of our residents, businesses, and visitors through community-focused leadership.”

Public Comments 

One resident was wondering if the town planned to grow the Police Department. She said officers are scarce in the neighborhoods surrounding Scheel’s to the north, and near the new Buc-ee’s store on the west side of I25. 

A resident told council members that vehicles continue to speed on Colorado Hwy 13.  He asked the board to put up speed cameras or increase patrol to deter speeding. 

A resident who spoke about the same issue at the last meeting on June 3, said the owner/developer of a piece of undeveloped land, made a less-than-successful attempt to cut down the 4’ weeds on the property. The resident said the developer has been asked multiple times to keep down the weed growth. This time someone mowed only part of the property and hasn’t been back to finish.

All items on the Consent Agenda were unanimously approved

  1. June 3, 2024, Meeting Minutes
  2. Ordinance No. 2024-252: Establishing Holding Agriculture (H-A) Zoning on the property known as The Larson Annexation on Second Reading.
  3. Water and Sewer Service Agreement – La-Z-Boy at 2534
  4. May 2024 Financials
  5. Cybersecurity Policy

Details are provided in the packet. 

Town Manager LeCerf gave his report including the following:

  1. LeCerf agreed the Police Department is short-staffed by 3 officers. He said the hiring process for officers is complex, but it’s important to hire the right officers. 
  2. Watering restrictions and compliance: LeCerf said a lot of residents are not complying with the watering restrictions. He said ample and detailed notice of watering schedules was given to all residents, homeowners associations, and special districts. LeCerf said his department always tries to work with residents first, however, he is ready to have the police issue reminders, and then enforce fines against the homeowners for continued non-compliance. 
  3. LeCerf said he and Mayor Duncan will work with the Town Attorney to develop an ordinance with provisions for fines directed at developers who purchase land and do not maintain the site. This would include mowing weeds before beginning site development. Penalties could include withholding permits until the site is cleaned up. 

Public Hearings were held on the following items:

Planning & Development Director Jeremy Gleim asked for a continuance of Resolution No. 2024-28: Approving the Final Subdivision Plat for the East Ledge Rock Center Filing 2 – Replat A. Gleim said the planning department is not ready yet and asked for continuance until the July 15 Town Council meeting.  Continuance was unanimously approved.

Ordinance No. 2024-253: Amending Section 10-212 of the Johnstown Municipal Code concerning curfew for minors. The Town Attorney said this is a clean-up ordinance adding language against parents who are responsible for their minor children. 

Resident Tara Russell said she and several others started a neighborhood watch program with an alert system to the responsible parents. Russell said juveniles stay out late past curfew and vandalize the neighborhood. She asked what steps the program’s organizers should follow to report on the youths. Police Chief Strossner instructed her to use the 911 line.  

Councilmember Menzies asked what the town is doing to reinforce fire codes during July 4 celebrations. Town Manager LeCerf said it’s the residents who need to catch fireworks users, and then agree to show up in court if they report someone. In the past, LeCerf said, residents have reported the use of illegal fireworks to the police. The police come out and issue the user with a ticket and a court summons, but if the reporting resident doesn’t show up in court to back up the claim, the user is released without penalty or fines.  

Police Chief Strossner said they will increase patrol and work overtime on July 4th in hopes of curbing the use of illegal fireworks. Town Manager LeCerf said his staff will soon start a campaign on social media about the town’s fireworks codes, penalties, and how to be safe. 

Mayor Duncan said it might be a good idea for the town to start having its own fireworks show by professionals. The show could bring more people into the town, which brings in more revenue. He said it may also curb residents’ need to have their own fireworks. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m. 

Next Meeting  

July 1, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. 450 S. Parish Ave., Johnstown, CO 80534, or online Town of Johnstown Facebook page.


How will residents respond to fines for watering restrictions delivered by police?

Is vandalism by Johnstown youth average for similar communities, or worse due to a shortage of police officers?

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended. 

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