Johnstown Town Council 8/5/24

by Nanci Wendland

Main Topics

Proclamation League of Women Voters – Women’s Equality Day

Amending Compensation for the Mayor, Councilmembers, and Planning Zoning Commission members

Amending Metro District agreement between the town of Johnstown and Revere Metro Districts 2-9 to be 1-9 with an additional Mill Levy 

Councilmember Morris read the proclamation of the League of Women Voters – Women’s Equality Day. The President of the Larimer County League of Women Voters Pat Burger accepted the proclamation and pictures were taken (09:45 of the meeting on Facebook). 

All items on the Consent Agenda were unanimously approved

  1. July 15, 2024, Meeting Minutes
  2. Intergovernmental Agreement – Town of Johnstown and Larimer County
  3. Post Issuance Tax Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt Bonds
  4. July 2024 List of Bills

Details are provided in the packet. 

Ordinance No. 2024-257: Amending compensation for the mayor, council members, and members of the planning zoning commission. Currently the mayor receives $200 per meeting attended, and the council members receive $125 per meeting they attend. This amendment would increase the mayor’s compensation to $500 per meeting attended and $300 per meeting attended for council members. Additionally, members of the planning zoning commission, who do not currently receive compensation for attending their meetings, would receive $125 per meeting. The annual estimated cost to compensate members of the planning zoning commission would be $3,000. This ordinance, if approved, would become effective at time of reelection for the mayor and council, and immediately, Sept. 1, for the planning zoning commissioners.  

The ordinance for compensation increases passed 6-1 with Paranto the no vote. 

Resolution No. 2024-35: Amending the Revere development Metropolitan District Nos. 2 – 9, to include Districts 1 – 9, and an increase in Mill Levy. According to Town Attorney Avi Rocklin and Carolyn Steffl, Special Counsel for the Town, Dietze and Davis, P.C., the existing Metropolitan District agreement (40 Mills Levy) for Revere Developments was inadequate for future regional improvements shown below. 

  1. Widen High Plain Parkway – approx. $1,505,704 cost
  2. Sewer improvements and storm drainage – approx. $713,195 cost
  3. Additional retention ponds – approx. $971,000 cost

This amendment requests an additional 10 Mills Levy to cover the projects listed above. The details of the updated plans and projects are in the packet (pages 43-57) and (pages 58-199). 

Ordinance No. 2024-35 passed unanimously. 

Resolution No. 2024-36: Approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town of Johnstown and Revere at Johnstown Metropolitan District Nos. 5-8 (regional improvements). This resolution is a follow-up to the resolution above allowing an increase in Mill Levy for Revere districts that haven’t been built out yet.

Resolution No. 2024-36 passed unanimously. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The town council went into Executive Session.

Executive Session

  1. An Executive Session to discuss the purchase of real property pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(a) – Sandra Drive drainage.
  2. An Executive Session to discuss matters subject to negotiations and to instruct negotiators pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(e) regarding Project Net, an Economic Development Project. 

Next Meeting  

Aug. 19, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. 450 S. Parish Ave., Johnstown, CO 80534, or online Town of Johnstown Facebook page.

Questions to Consider

Why did Paranto vote against compensating board members?

Could the increase in Mill Levy for the metro district have been avoided with better planning?

See the full notes document here.

Date & Meeting Time 

Aug. 5, 2024, 7 p.m. – 8:20 p.m.

Members Present 

Mayor Michael Duncan; Mayor Pro Tem Chad Young; Council Members: Dianne Morris; Damen Berg; Jesse Molinar, Jr; Dee Anne Menzies; Andrew Paranto. 

Others Present

Chief of Police Jeff Strossner; Town Manager Matt LeCerf; Deputy Town Manager Mitzi McCoy; Town Clerk Hannah Hill; Town Attorney.

View the meeting agenda and packet.

A video recording of the meeting is available on the Johnstown Government Facebook page.

From the Johnstown website: “Enhance the quality of life of our residents, businesses, and visitors through community-focused leadership.”

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended. 

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