Larimer County Board of County Commissioners - Administrative Matters 2/20/24

by Lee Theilen

For more information (including members in attendance) see the full notes document here.*

View the meeting agenda.

From the Board of Commissioners website:

“Larimer's three-member Board of County Commissioners is the main policy-making body in the County and works to represent the interest of the citizens of Larimer County at local, state, and national levels. Commissioners are elected at large from one of three geographic districts for four-year staggered terms. In Larimer County, Commissioners are limited to serving three four-year terms.”

The meeting was called to order by Chair Kefalas at 9 a.m.

Citizen Comment:

  • One about the failures of the Department of Human Services under previous boards
  • Another is regarding the denial of the 4-H Foundation to host a bake sale at the Ranch.

The Commissioners made it clear that the decision regarding the bake sale would not be changed. They said the decision was based on practices considered safe by similar venues.

The minutes were approved for the February 5th and 12th meetings.

Commissioners reviewed their schedules.

The consent agenda was approved. It included in the many items:

  1. A service delivery agreement with the Denver Indian Center – Native Workforce Program and the Larimer County Workforce Development Board
  2. A contract amendment for policy and financing between the CO Department of Health Care and Larimer County for $1,486,378.70
  3. A drainage agreement between Larimer County and Poudre Fire Authority for a new station in LaPorte
  4. A development proposal for Gregory Cove Land Division
  5. A reimbursement agreement for Fairgrounds Avenue Roadway Improvements
  6. A grant for $150,000 with the Colorado Poverty Law Project to provide housing security
  7. An agreement between the City of Fort Collins and Larimer County for services from the Larimer County Youth Conservation Corps for $232,998.13

County Manager Volker stated that she had visited the Loveland Youth Campus. It will have the capacity for 250 children in daycare and house the Boys and Girls Clubs for after-school activities.

The Commissioners described their involvement in the 2024 National Association of Counties Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. with special interest in transportation and disaster management. They also attended the Colorado Counties, Inc. Legislative Briefing.

The Commissioners moved to Executive Committee to conference with an attorney for purpose of receiving legal advice regarding the Colorado Court Appeals judgement dated September 1, 2022 in City of Thornton V. Larimer County and to discuss questions about the scope of 1041 permitting authority. They closed this part of the meeting at 10 a.m. to move to the second-floor conference room. No decisions were expected from the Executive Committee proceedings.

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended.

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