Larimer County Board of County Commissioners - Administrative Matters 5/07/24

by Nanci Wendland

For more information (including members in attendance) see the full notes document here.*

View the meeting agenda and packet.

A video recording of the meeting is available here.

From the Board of Commissioners website: “Larimer's three-member Board of County Commissioners is the main policy-making body in the County and works to represent the interest of the citizens of Larimer County at local, state and national levels. Commissioners are elected at large from one of three geographic districts for four-year staggered terms.  In Larimer County, Commissioners are limited to serving three four-year terms.”

Larimer County government upholds and advances the community’s health, safety, well-being, and quality of life. 

Consent Agenda

Commissioner Chair Kefalas read the items from the Consent Agenda. The commissioners unanimously approved all items. 

  1. Tax Abatements - 31
  2. Agreements – 4
    1. Grant Agreement- Third Amendment to Larimer County Rental Assistance Grant Program Two between Neighbor to Neighbor and Larimer County for administration of emergency rent assistance 2 program (ERAP). There is no dollar amount. 
    2. Contract for electric service and Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association, Inc Non-exclusive Right-Of-Way Easement - $633,793
    3. GOCO Grant Agreement – Heaven’s Door Ranch Acquisition Project at $1.5M
    4. Development Agreement for Taylor Planned Land Division, File No. 21-LAND4135
  3. Appointments – 3
  4. Liquor Licenses – 2
  5. Miscellaneous – 1
  6. Resolutions - 3

The Commissioners unanimously voted to support a proclamation recognizing May 2024 as Asian Pacific Islander Desi Heritage Month (APIDA). Desi refers to countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and others in the South Asian region. Karen Brown spoke as a native of Hawaii. She said Pacific Islanders and others want to be seen and heard as humans, and part of the American melting pot. The proclamation says there are approximately 7,800 APIDA in Larimer County

A proclamation recognizing May 2024 as Older Americans Month in Larimer County was unanimously approved. The Director of the Larimer County Office on Aging Erin Alt said the county’s aging adults are a treasure trove of knowledge. She said everyone should reflect and appreciate the contributions of older adults. Alt wants Larimer County to continue to strive to create inclusive communities promoting active older adults. 

The Commissioners unanimously approved a proclamation recognizing May 10, 2024, as Childcare Provider Appreciation Day. County Manager Volker and Human Services Director Heather O’Hare emphasized how important affordable and available childcare is to economic development throughout Larimer County. During Covid, childcare and day cares were negatively affected. In turn, this negatively affected a large population of women who were forced to stay home from their jobs to care for their children during lock down. Commissioner Shadduck-McNally was surprised that this was only 1 day of appreciation. She said it should be all year, but at least, should be the whole month. O’Hare named 2 websites that assist residents with references and support for navigating childcare needs:

  1. – Early Childhood Council of Larimer County
  2. – Larimer County 

The Commissioners unanimously approved a proclamation recognizing May 6 – May 10 as Economic Development Week. The Director of Economic & Workforce Development Evan Wendlandt said this week is National Economic Development week. This was initially created by the International Economic Development Council in 2016 to “create an awareness of local programs and services that create jobs, advance career development opportunities, and increase quality of life among our communities.” Wendlandt said his department will have a week of activities with social media campaigns and educational opportunities to learn more about what the department does and how the community partners with businesses. 

The Commissioners unanimously proclaimed May 2024 as National Foster Care Appreciation Month. Deputy Division Manager of the Larimer County Department of Human Services Angela Mead recognized the Foster Care Family of Larimer County staff for their excellent support and introduced the 2023 Larimer County Foster Parents of the Year Monica and Marvin. Monica and Marvin have been fostering since 2010. While raising their own children, they adopted 3 children, and fostered over 70 more between 2010 and 2023. The couple specializes in autistic and hearing-impaired or deaf children. Deputy Division Manager Mead said she has profound appreciation for Monica and Marvin, and all of Larimer County’s foster families. Mead also thanked the county human services team, volunteers, and advocates who provide support and assistance to foster families including basic needs such as clothing, food, activities, and school supplies.  

In 2023, Larimer County had approximately 76 foster families with 237 children assigned to them. The State of Colorado reported 3,346 foster children and nationally there are approximately 391,000 children in foster care. Mead said Larimer County always needs additional foster families and especially ones who identify as LBGTQ. 

The County Manager and Commissioners reported on their activities of the past week. 

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.  

Next Meeting: May 14, 2024 @ 9 a.m. by video or in-person at 200 W. Oak St., 220 Hearing Room, First Floor, Fort Collins.

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended. 

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