March 2024 Larimer County Highlights

Compiled by Jorie Kramer, FC Public Media Volunteer

The full reports by Citizen Observers for the League of Women Voters of Larimer County are linked below.

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Wellington Board of Trustees, 3/4/24 (Nanci Wendland, Observer)

  • Community Services Center Board of Directors Chair Mark Gabbert requested a $10,000 grant to support a Wellington Community Center in partnership with Larimer County Human Services and Grace Village. The Community Center will be a non-profit group providing Human Services to Wellington residents including:

    • A new home for the Wellington Food Bank.

    • Meeting spaces for counseling and mental health groups.

    • Coordination with local schools.

    • Office space for Adoption and Foster care staff.

      All trustees supported the project. 

Berthoud Town Board, 3/12/2024 (Nanci Wendland, Observer)

  • Oil and Gas regulations were introduced by Oil & Gas Attorney Mike Foote. There was no action taken at tonight’s meeting.
  • The Town Board seeks to update the Municipal Codes regulating oil and gas development within Berthoud’s city limits to lessen impacts on public health, safety, welfare, the environment, and wildlife.
  • The Trustees still have concerns about air quality and any effects of drilling close to water sources. The Mayor and Trustees asked Foote if he would review Colorado’s air quality regulations again and make recommendations for potentially improved, stiffer regulations than what the state requires. Foote agreed to further review and submit an assessment with recommendations for potentially stiffer local regulations that can be imposed by the Town of Berthoud. A first draft is scheduled to be presented to the board at the April 9 meeting.

Larimer County Board of Commissioners Administrative Matters, 3/18/24 (Lee Thielen, Observer)

  • Resident Paul Gessler invited the Commissioners to a meeting on Wednesday, March 21, to discuss establishing a Restorative Justice Court to assist veterans. Commissioner Stephens stated that there are quite a few specialty courts. She recently wrote an opinion piece published in the Loveland Reporter Herald about the county corrections projects. Commissioner Kefalas stated that he intended to accept Gessler’s invitation to the meeting to examine the idea of a Restorative Justice Court for veterans. Commissioner Shadduck-McNally stated that she recently attended a meeting on Veteran Services at the Veterans Administration Building with other key officials.

Wellington Board of Trustees Meeting, 3/26/24 (Nanci Wendland, Observer)

  • Resolution No. 13-2024: “A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Wellington, Colorado Establishing Hours and Days for Outdoor Watering”. Approximately one half of Wellington’s residents use potable town water for irrigation. Wellington does not have access to a lot of non-potable resources. With warmer weather coming, the Town of Wellington Public Works is asking to impose outdoor watering restrictions once again. The resolution was approved 6-1, with Trustee Gaitor opposing. Wellington will have the same outdoor watering restrictions as last year, though the restrictions are not permanent.
  • Mayor ProTem Ashley Macdonald submitted her resignation. Macdonald said she has been in Wellington for 12 years and sacrificed time with her children to serve on this board. She decided she would no longer do this. She said that through all the challenges, successes, and changes in Wellington, her service “failed to bring any legitimacy to this board.” Mayor Chaussee thanked her for being with him and helping whenever needed.

Red Feather Lakes Planning Advisory Committee, March 28, 2024 (Nanci Wendland, Observer)

  • Chris Manley from the Larimer County Waste Management department updated the committee about a water/wastewater feasibility study completed for RFL in 2022. Manley said the preliminary report, based on the 2022 study, is finished and the project is now on the county’s list of future projects. If RFL wants to apply for state funds to complete the project, Manley said they will need to submit the preliminary report along with evidence that the town has the resources to manage and financially support this facility after completion. Committee member Johnson said the demographics in RFL are changing with younger people buying into the community and they want better services. Johnson says the committee and town residents should take advantage of any available funds right now. The committee agreed a survey is needed to find out how residents feel about adding a water/wastewater facility, the costs to build the facility, annual maintenance and operation of the facility, and the cost for residents to hook up their homes to water and sewer lines. Committee member Johnson offered to work with Lafferty and Peterson on a survey format and wording.
  • An Assessor from the Larimer County Assessor’s office will be at the April 25 meeting to answer resident’s questions about increased property taxes throughout RFL. The committee expects a large crowd.

Additional Citizen Observer reports for Johnstown and Larimer County Commissioners were also submitted in March. All reports are available at:

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