Red Feather Lakes Planning Advisory Committee Meeting 1/25/24

by Nanci Wendland

For more information (including members in attendance) see the full notes document here.*

View the meeting agenda.

A video recording of the meeting is available here.

From the Larimer County Boards & Commissions website: “The Red Feather Lakes Planning Advisory Committee (RFLPAC) is a committee of citizens who live, work/volunteer or own property within the Red Feather Lakes Plan Area, appointed by the Larimer County Board of Commissioners. Its purpose is to provide an organized forum to facilitate communication with the County and within the community on issues that impact Red Feather Lakes (RFL).”

Public Comments

Syd, a resident of RFL, asked how to apply for the board. County Planner Lafferty said notice and applications will be available next fall on the website.

Ryan Zigray, resident, and committee member, wanted to know when he can expect to get approval on his short-term rental application. He said it’s been 9 months, and he hasn’t heard anything back from the county. Lafferty said he will check on the application for him. The department has been short-staffed and is behind.

Key Points


Commissioner Chair Liaison Kefalas had 3 points to share with the committee.

  1. On Tuesday he met with the Livermore Rural Center, who presented their long-range plan and vision for the town of Livermore. Kefalas showed the committee a notebook compiled by the Rural Center group of Livermore and said Red Feather Lakes could use it as an example of how to put their plan together.
  2. Kefalas told the committee that the updated mill levy was approved by the Board of County Commissioners and is included in the 2024 budget.
  3. A Larimer County 2023-2024 community survey was recently mailed to random households within the county, but if anyone else wants to participate, Kefalas said they could go to and complete it there.

Mark Peterson, Larimer County Transportation Engineer, let the committee know there are Safe Streets & Roads grants available for rural areas. He didn’t give details but said the committee could contact him if they are interested. Peterson also said his department is updating the transportation master plan for current and future needs of Larimer County. It is a 30-year plan and is expected to be adopted in 2025.


Matthew Behunin, from the Larimer County budget office, reviewed the recently approved 2024 Larimer County budget. Behunin focused on impacts to the RFL area, including revenue from property and sales taxes, and how the money is spent. He said Red Feather Lakes is experiencing the largest property tax increase in Larmer County, up to 63% for some RFL properties. He offered this description of funding:

  1. RFL will receive approximately $3.5 million annually equal to 1% of Larimer County’s revenue.  

  2. Where does the revenue go?

    1. Roads & bridges.

    2. Sheriff’s - 4 sheriffs are assigned to RFL with a 45-minute average response time.

    3. Larimer County jail and child protection services. 

    4. Miscellaneous services – water, library districts, health services, trails.

County Planner, Lafferty, said the county board of commissioners are ready to review future projects and funding that would be needed for rural towns in Larimer County, such as Livermore, RFL, and LaPorte. Lafferty said he needs a letter or memo from the committee outlining RFL’s urgent needs and why the RFL plan should take priority over others. Commissioner Kefalas added they could just say in the memo they want Chapter 4 subarea updates or a consultant to assist them (Chapter 4 – Community Vision is from the Larimer County 20-year plan). Kefalas said the board of commissioners will start reviewing plans the week of Jan. 29.

Members from the RFL Planning Committee made a list of targets to include on the memo:

  • Healthcare/medical
  • Water/wastewater treatment plant
  • Revision of town boundaries to include Glacier View, Crystal Lake area, and the Colorado River Basin.
  • Public Safety plan to include resiliency, emergencies, and evacuations.

Committee member Gaskill volunteered to use the targets above and create the memo for Matt due on Monday, Jan. 29, with copies sent to, and approved, by the committee. Commissioner Kefalas said to think of this as a letter of intent for RFL projects. The commissioners will decide the priorities. Commissioner Kefalas also asked Gaskill to update the demographics of their plan based on the 2020 census. Committee member McAdams said he knows of a $1 million match from a private donor to have healthcare in RFL and thought that might help the commissioners rule in RFLs favor.

Election of Officers

Janice Weixelman was re-elected as Chair; Caryn Hughes was re-elected as Vice Chair; and Roger Svendsen will remain as back-up Secretary for meeting minutes.

The meeting adjourned at 3:48 PM.

Next meeting - Feb. 22, 2024, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in=person at the Firehouse meeting room, 44 Firehouse Lane, Red Feather Lakes, CO., or online via Zoom.


  1. When will the Larimer County Board of Commissioners make a final decision on which town and what projects take priority?

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended.

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