Red Feather Lakes Planning Advisory Committee Meeting 6/27/24

by Nanci Wendland

For more information (including members in attendance) see the full notes document here.*

View the meeting agenda.

Videos are not posted.

From the Larimer County Boards & Commissions website: “The Red Feather Lakes Planning Advisory Committee (RFLPAC) is a committee of citizens who live, work/volunteer or own property within the Red Feather Lakes Plan Area, appointed by the Larimer County Board of Commissioners. Its purpose is to provide an organized forum to facilitate communication with the County and within the community on issues that impact Red Feather Lakes (RFL).

Larimer County Liaison Commissioner Kefalas was not at the meeting. Chair Weixelman said she received an email from Kefalas which stated that he wants the committee to know that a representative from the Larimer County Office of Emergency Management (LCOEM) will be at the July meeting to discuss fire mitigation

Larimer County Staff Liaison Kassidee Fior said the county planning department is updating administrative procedures for all boards and commissions. The final goal is to standardize policies across the county and update the code of conduct for all government employees and representatives.

County Attorney Haug reviewed Larimer County’s Annual Orientation for boards and commissions. Haug said today’s orientation was created by the county to open conversation related specifically to RFL. He said he would focus on legislative policies and quasi-judicial conversations.

County Attorney Haug compared the quasi-judicial hat of this committee to that of a judge. On specific issues, he said, the committee must remain impartial and allow a fair hearing during the planning advisory meeting. Committee members are not to talk to others outside the committee on official issues requiring a decision. 

Haug told the committee that though they are only a planning board, they are still required to follow these 2 Colorado laws:

  1. Open Meetings Law. Meetings must be open to the public with 24-hour notice included on the meeting agenda before the meeting begins. 
  2. Open Records Law. All electronic communication about agenda items must be retained as county records. Planning Engineer Lafferty said he should be included on all official email chains from RFL committee members. This keeps him aware of RFL business and gives him an official record of conversations. 

Attorney Haug stressed the importance of keeping communication with Larimer County Commissioners very clear and concise. Haug said they need to state the issue, list possible solutions, and what RFL did to resolve the issue. Haug also said he is always available for counsel if they have questions. 

Staff Liaison Fior said the county bylaws are also being updated. Planning Engineer Matt Lafferty is leading the update for the Estes Valley Planning Advisory Committee (EVPAC), LaPorte Planning Advisory Committee (LPAC), and the Red Feather Lakes Planning Advisory Committee (RFLPAC). The local PAC’s can contact either Fior or Lafferty with questions.  

Staff Liaison Fior instructed the committee on where to find the following information:

  • RFL area plan
  • County zoning and land use codes
  • Larimer County Comprehensive Plan
  • Guidelines for County Boards and Commissions 
  • RFL Advisory Board By-Laws

Chair Weixelman had several questions for Lafferty and Fior - 

  1. RFL has had a lot of issues and questions that come up during meetings. How do they communicate and resolve issues when Larimer County is not always attending the meetings? 
    1. Lafferty said the PAC could schedule work sessions when the Commissioner Liaison and other county employees are available. Lafferty said the county is discussing how to be more available to local communities. 
  2. Weixelman asked if committee members receive workman’s compensation benefits if injured while attending meetings, or on field trips to other localities.
    1. Lafferty said he didn’t have an answer for this but would find out and report at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Next meeting – July 25, 2024, 1:30 p.m. in-person at the Firehouse meeting room, 44 Firehouse Lane, Red Feather Lakes, CO., or online via Zoom. 

Questions To Consider

Chair Weixelman inquired about workers compensation for committee members. Has there been an incident?

Why is this committee just now finding out about Open Meetings Law, government email communication standards, and other points of official issues? Is it not standard training for the Advisory Committee as members are brought onboard?

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended. 

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