Red Feather Lakes (RFL) Planning Advisory Committee Meeting 8/22/24

by Nanci Wendland

Main Ideas

  • Kefalas discusses raising sales tax to meet the county's transportation plan. 
  • Ideas proceed to fund Red Feather’s public restroom. 
  • RFL ushers in short-term rental.

Larimer County Liaison Commissioner Kefalas attended the meeting online and discussed two main items: 

  1. Kefalas said the state is holding a special legislative session on Aug. 26 to build on previous legislation that lowered property tax assessments and mill levies. State Initiative #108, which addresses reducing property valuations, has received enough signatures to be included on the November ballot. 
  2. Kefalas said the Board of County Commissioners will discuss and vote on a proposed 0.15% in the Larimer County sales tax increase at the regularly scheduled Administrative Matters meeting on Sept. 3. He said this increase would be used specifically for the Larimer County Transportation Master Plan. Approval by the Commissioners will allow this proposal to be included on the November ballot for voter approval. A public survey is at Larimer-on-the-Move for residents who are interested in commenting.   

Larimer County Liaison Fior and a Director from Larimer Resources updated the committee on next steps to get funding for the operation and maintenance of a public restroom in RFL. The Director said this is no longer a Planning Advisory Committee conversation. Community residents need to take over the issue and find funding. County staff recommended residents set up a town meeting with the Property Owners Association, Chamber of Commerce, Larimer County Parks and Recreation advisors, along with National Forest administrators if they agree to attend. The Director said the restroom is a challenge because it is not tied to a park. It’s a stand-alone restroom in town. Prior to this committee meeting, Planner Lafferty sent out an email to all committee members outlining steps that can be taken to secure funding from other sources.

Residents Robert Buchanan and Rebecca McGee asked for committee approval to use their home in RFL as a short-term rental (File No. 23-ZONE3558). The owners will remain on the property during rental periods. Guests would have 1 bedroom and a sleeping area, as well as well-water and septic available to them.  Parking for the rental would be off-street. 

The committee agreed all county requirements have been met and unanimously approved the request.  

The meeting was adjourned at 3:18 p.m.

Next meeting – Sept. 26, 2024, 1:30 p.m. in-person at the Firehouse meeting room, 44 Firehouse Lane, Red Feather Lakes, CO., or online via Zoom. 

Members Present  

Lora Gaskill, Ryan Zigray, Roger Svendsen, Vice Chair Caryn Hughes, James Cates, Chair Janice Weixelman; Larimer County Liaison Commissioner John Kefalas. Absent: John Johnson and Lucille Schmidt. 

Others Present  

Administrator Christina Scrutchins, Larimer County Planning Engineer Matthew Lafferty, and Larimer County Staff Liaison Kassidee Fior, and Rebecca Everette.  

Meeting Agenda and Packet 

Agenda and packet.

Recorded Meeting: Videos are not posted. 

From the Larimer County Boards & Commissions website: “The Red Feather Lakes Planning Advisory Committee (RFLPAC) is a committee of citizens who live, work/volunteer or own property within the Red Feather Lakes Plan Area, appointed by the Larimer County Board of Commissioners. Its purpose is to provide an organized forum to facilitate communication with the County and within the community on issues that impact Red Feather Lakes (RFL).”

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