Wellington Board of Trustees 3/26/24

by Nanci Wendland

For more information (including members in attendance) see the full notes document here.*

View the meeting agenda and packet.

A video recording of the meeting is available here.

From the Town of Wellington website: “The purpose of this board is to provide outstanding municipal services for the community of Wellington both today and tomorrow.”

Key Points

Attorney Sapienza started the meeting with a request for Executive Session to explain a recently filed complaint against himself, as Attorney, and the Town of Wellington. The vote was 5-2 in favor, the public was dismissed online and, in the room, while the board went into Executive Session from 6:32 p.m. through 6:45 p.m. Trustee Tietz and Trustee Gaitor voted against having Executive Session.

When the board returned, Mayor Chaussee opened the meeting for public comments and asked that everyone in the room, and online, show respect and not use negative language.

Planning Committee member Lisa Chollet began the public comments. She listed all her work for the community including volunteering for the boards, her nonprofit organization Safe Routes to School, and numerous other projects around town. After reading a passage from the bible about love and kindness, Chollet asked for accountability. Chollet said the board election this year has been contentious. She said she has good friends on this board and proceeded to accuse Trustee Tietz of harassing her online, with Tietz referring to Lisa as an adult potato. Chollet said Trustee Tietz also encouraged her online followers and friends to join in the harassing language. Chollet said, “It’s okay to have different views and beliefs. It’s not okay to harass anyone who is friends with Trustee Daily.” Chollet also added that Trustee Gaitor’s wife, Christine, joined the online harassment group by posting a 2022 article about Lisa Chollet’s personal struggles from 20 years ago.

Karen Siefert, a resident of The Knolls, said, “What the heck Wellington, when will this stop? You’re the adults and you need to grow up.”

As previously reported by this Observer, Trustee Tietz has had her name invoked three times this year during board meetings and discussions of harassment.

  1. At the Jan. 23 board meeting, Mayor ProTem Macdonald accused Trustee Tietz of online harassment directed at Trustee Daily.
  2. At the Feb. 27 meeting, Tietz wanted a statement from the board denouncing the online harassment of Trustee Gaitor’s wife, Christine, for her book banning comments.
  3. Now, March 26, Planning Commissioner Chollet commented that she has also been the target of online harassment by Trustee Tietz and her followers.

Resolution No. 13-2024: “A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Wellington, Colorado Establishing Hours and Days for Outdoor Watering.” Approximately one half of Wellington’s residents use potable town water for irrigation. Wellington does not have access to a lot of non-potable resources. With warmer weather coming, the Town of Wellington Public Works is asking to impose outdoor watering restrictions once again. Smith said, “The town needs drinking water, so irrigation needs restrictions.” They plan to use the same schedule used in 2022 and 2023 with high water users paying a premium amount.

Candidate Ed Cannon and Planning Commissioner Whitehouse gave public comments to this resolution. Cannon asked the board if they would consider rewriting the water code, so that instead of annual water restrictions and posting requirements, the town could adopt a permanent water schedule with tighter controls for water waste. Commissioner Whitehouse said, “It’s going to be hotter” and agreed outdoor water restrictions should be permanent.

The resolution was approved 6-1, with Trustee Gaitor opposing. Wellington will have the same outdoor watering restrictions as last year, though the restrictions are not permanent.

The Community Services Center Grant contract was rewritten to specify the use of $10,000 for an elevator and other ADA projects if the money allows.

The grant contract was unanimously approved.

Resolution No. 14-2024: “A Resolution of the Town of Wellington Colorado making Appointments to the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustments.”

Prior to tonight’s meeting, the board interviewed and received recommendations for 2 Planning Commission candidates and 1 Board of Adjustments candidate. Planning Commissioners Moyer and Chollet highly recommended all 3 candidates. Trustee Tietz expressed concerns about conflicts of interest with some of the board placements.

The board unanimously approved the resolution and candidates.

Mayor ProTem Ashley Macdonald submitted her resignation. Macdonald said she has been in Wellington for 12 years and sacrificed time with her children to serve on this board. She decided she would no longer do this. She said that through all the challenges, successes, and changes in Wellington, her service “failed to bring any legitimacy to this board.” Mayor Chaussee thanked her for being with him and helping whenever needed.

With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.

Next Meeting: April 9, 2024, 6:30 p.m. online Zoom, or in-person at The Leeper Center, 3800 Wilson Avenue, Wellington, CO

Questions To Consider

Is the Mayor able to address and contain the board’s in-fighting online without violating anyone’s free speech rights?

Will the water restrictions become permanent and does Trustee Gaitor have a different idea to offer about Wellington’s water limits?

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended.

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