Wellington Board of Trustees 6/23/24

by Nanci Wendland

Main Topics

  • Board considers 360 performance reviews for the town administrator and attorney.  
  • Board hires a consultant for an Affordable Housing Needs Assessment.
  • Residents question the accuracy of usage amount on water bills.

Human Resources Director Stephanie Anderson asked the board for feedback and direction on conducting a 360-degree performance review for the Town Administrator and Town Attorney. She wanted to know:

  • Who would conduct the review: in-house or use an outside third party
  • What format should be used: a standard form or a 360-performance review with phone interviews.  

Director Anderson presented the pros and cons of both items (pages 9-10 of the agenda). She also included a cost estimate shown below.

  1. Standard Performance Review
    Cost Estimate: $2,800 - $3,800
    Feedback is collected from Town Board members as well as self-evaluations. 
  2. 360 Evaluation
    Cost Estimate: $5,000 - $6,000: An outside firm would be hired to collect the data and validate it with phone interviews. 

Most trustees agreed that a 360-degree review is more professional and gives a more detailed understanding of a person’s performance. Although the cost of using a third-party was a concern, most trustees agreed the cost was worth it. One trustee suggested using the 360-degree review process every two years instead of yearly to keep costs down.  

Director Anderson agreed to look at other options. One suggestion was to use software designed for conducting a 360-degree review instead of hiring outside consultants. 

The Consent Agenda was unanimously approved and included appointments to Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Trails Board and the Wellington Housing Authority. Names of those appointments are in Resolution No. 37-2024 in the packet

A consultant was unanimously approved to assess the town’s affordable housing needs and strategy. Resolution 38-2024. Planning Director Bird recommended Matrix Design Group, Inc. Matrix Design will review existing local codes and policies, analyze existing and new state or federal policies, best practices and funding sources to recommend strategies that can increase opportunities for affordable housing in Wellington. The cost of the contract with Matrix design Group, Inc. is $49,500.

Funding for this project was approved in the 2024 Fiscal Budget for $70,000. The town obtained a $52,500 grant award from Colorado’s Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) for this. 

All the trustees expressed excitement about the assessment. Trustee Tietz asked Director Bird to address the water rates as part of this study, and Trustee Weigand agreed.  

Trustee Tietz asked the board to consider hosting a town hall meeting to specifically address residents’ questions and concerns about the high amount of water usage on their summer water bills. Many residents said they are receiving water usage amounts of 20,000 gallons or more. Residents say these amounts are above what’s been used in the past. All the trustees said they are aware of the numerous online comments by residents about their June water bills. Trustee Tietz believes educating the public through a town hall could help eliminate some of the frustration residents are experiencing. Trustee Cannon added that he would like to see more communication from the board and town representatives online. Cannon said residents need to know the town hears them and they are working on solutions.   

The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 p.m.

Questions To Consider

  • When will the affordable housing needs and strategy be available for the public to see?
  • Has the volume measurement for water users changed for any reason? How would town representatives dialog online about this issue?

Next Meeting: Aug. 13, 2024, 6:30 p.m. online Zoom, or in-person at The Leeper Center, 3800 Wilson Avenue, Wellington, CO

Members Present 7/23/2024

Trustees: Rebekka Daily, David Wiegand, Ed Cannon; Lowrey Moyer; Shirrell Tietz; Mayor Pro Tem Brian Mason; Mayor Calar Chaussee. 

Others Present to Note: Town Clerk Ethan Muhs; Town Clerk; Planning Director Cody Bird; HR Director Stephanie Anderson; Director Public Works Meagan Smith. 

See the full notes document here.*

View the meeting agenda and packet.

A video recording of the meeting is available here.

From the Town of Wellington website: “The purpose of this board is to provide outstanding municipal services for the community of Wellington both today and tomorrow.” 

*Citizen Observers further the commitment of the League of Women Voters to its principle of Citizens Right to Know, however, we are not acting as journalists. Omissions and errors are possible. It is assumed that users of this information are responsible for their own fact-checking. This could include contacting a government clerk, conversing with an elected official or staff, and/or asking us to speak to the Observer who attended. 

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