Wellington Planning Commission 8/5/24

by Nanci Wendland

Main Topics

The new planning commissioner, Sherman Springer, was introduced

Planning Director Bird reviewed 3 most currently active projects in Wellington. 

The new planning commissioner, Sherman Springer, was introduced. Springer replaces Lowrey Moyer, who accepted a position on the Wellington Board of Trustees. Springer said he has been in construction since the 1990s and built several projects in Wellington, such as Wellington Village and Harvest Village. 

Planning Director Cody Bird updated the Commission on the currently active projects. 

  1. The Affordable Housing Needs Assessment team is having a kick-off meeting Tues. Aug. 6. The planning department and Matrix Design Group, Inc. will be present. Director Bird asked for 1 or 2 planning commissioners to join them. Commissioners Chollet and McCaffrey said they were interested. 
  2. The Cleveland Avenue project is in the design phase. The Colorado Dept. of Transportation (CDOT) will have to approve the final designs. Director Bird said the main challenges are:
    1. Drainage and flooding
    2. Parking and ADA compliance
  3. Creation of a water source development plan. Bird said now that the water treatment plant is ready to go online, it’s time to think about future water sources. The North Poudre Irrigation Company is the current source of Wellington’s water, and he said although it’s a good source, there should be a back-up source. The planning department will work with West Water Research to identify other potential water sources and the costs. 

Next Meeting: Sept. 2, 2024, 6:30 p.m. online Zoom, or in-person at The Leeper Center, 3800 Wilson Avenue, Wellington, CO

Members Present 8/5/2024

Commissioners: Lisa Chollet; Bert McCaffrey; Stephen Carman; Linda Knaack; Sherman Springer; Commission Chair, Eric Sartor; Vice Chair Tim Whitehouse. 

Others Present: Planning Director Cody Bird; Planning Analyst Patty Lundy


Meeting agenda and packet.

A video of the meeting is available here.

From the Wellington Planning Commission website: “The Town of Wellington Planning Commission is responsible for developing, adopting, and implementing the Comprehensive Plan to address community development and growth. This includes creating zoning regulations, land use policies, and other guidelines that help shape the community's physical and economic landscape.”

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