Windsor Town Board Regular Meeting 8/26/24

by Shannon Murphy


  • New Police Chief and three new Police Officers were sworn in by Mayor Cline.
  • Board approved Lone Tree Annexation and an Ordinance and Resolution related to Aims Windsor.
  • The Town of Windsor is seeking to assemble a Charter Amendment Ad Hoc Committee to undertake the task of updating the Home Rule Charter. To learn more about the committee and to submit an application, visit

Call to Order

Following roll and the pledge of allegiance, the Board approved the agenda.

The Board approved Resolution No. 2024-52 - A Resolution Appointing Stephen Garrison as Windsor Police Chief. Mayor Cline administered the oath of office for the new Police Chief Garrison, as well as new Police Officers Cliff Adams, Sara Cummings, and Adam Garcia. Mayor Cline called a 40-minute recess for a reception, inviting meeting attendees to mingle and get to know the new Police Chief and Police Officers. 

Public Comment 

  • A resident expressed frustrations over unequal enforcement by Windsor Police, citing numerous incidents including one he shared with the board a year ago involving the police and a missing real estate sign placed illegally. The Mayor thanked the resident for his statement and said they have his email address.

Consent Calendar

The Board unanimously approved the 8/12/24 Town Board Regular Meeting Minutes. 

Board Action

Kimberly Lambrecht (Senior Planner) presented the Lone Tree Annexation, 51.389 acres, to the Town of Windsor and the Establishment of Zoning to the Recreation and Open Lands (ROL) zone district.

  • The subject property is located on the north side of Larimer County Road 32E, and west of where Colorado Boulevard (LCR 1/WCR 13) would extend to the north (directly north of the Kyger Reservoir).
  • Ms. Lambrecht purported that this plan aligns well with Windsor’s strategic plan in terms of supporting a connected transportation system, open space preservation, services and amenities.
  • During the public hearing, a resident expressed concerns about the road running through her property line and requested a current map and detailed plan for the road.
  • The Board unanimously approved Ordinance No. 2024-1702 - An Ordinance Approving the Lone Tree Annexation to the Town of Windsor Pursuant to the Colorado Municipal Annexation Act of 1965 and the Establishment of Zoning.

Carlin Malone (Chief Planner) presented on the Aims Windsor Annexation, noting that nothing had changed since the Board approved the first reading on August 12th.  The Board unanimously approved Ordinance No. 2024-1701 - An Ordinance Approving the South Gate 8th (Aims Windsor) Annexation to the Town of Windsor and Establishment of Zoning and Resolution No. 2024-53 - A Resolution Approving an Annexation Agreement Between the Town of Windsor and Aims Local College District with Respect to the South Gate 8th (Aims Windsor) Annexation to the Town of Windsor, Colorado.


The Town Attorney gave an update on the Town of Windsor Charter Amendment Ad Hoc Committee, noting that they will begin selecting committee members after the week of Sept. 8. The Town Manager added that Karen Frawley will send an update on committee designations to the Board every Friday. They specifically need members from Districts 1 and 2 to apply. 

Frawley stated that the Citizen Initiative Petition is being verified, determination is due Sept. 3, and if there are no protests during the 10-day protest period, they will bring it to the Board for approval. 

The Town Manager noted upcoming events including the Hollister Lake Elementary and Orchard Elementary ribbon cuttings and Harvest Festival on Monday. Mayor Cline reminded attendees of the car show at Eastman Park on Saturday. 

Board Member Hallett suggested Board Members review CO Senate Bills 21-256 and 24-131 (regarding conceal and carry laws on campuses) and requested that a discussion be added to a future agenda.

The meeting adjourned at 8:37pm. 

Next Meeting: Monday, Sept. 9, 2024 7 p.m. -- Town Hall Chambers (3rd floor), 301 Walnut St., Windsor, CO 80550 or live on WindsorTV 

Questions to Consider

How can the Board ensure the Charter accurately represents the interests and priorities of all Windsor residents?


Board Members

  • Present: Ron Steinbach (District 1 / Mayor Pro Tem), Lainie Peltz (District 3), Mayor Julie Cline,  Ken Symsack (District 4), Rick Klimek (District 5), Jason Hallett (District 6)
  • Absences: Brian Jones (District 2)

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